Air Dancer Lawn Greeting Rental

Air Dancer Rental


Here is something new from . We now carry our exclusive Air Dancer for your pick up rental .  This air Dancer flies to approx 18 feet in a brilliant bright red  . Comes with a large powerful fan to keep it flying all day long.

Great to enhance any celebration  at either a home , business or office.  Have a look below at how she flies.

This air dancer rental can make a huge impact to a 40th , 50th and 60th birthday , retirement , welcome home , career promotion , promposal  , graduation , anniversary , business sale .  Really the sky is the limit.  ( air Dancer humour )

Air Dancer rental is for pick up only  . No logo or imprint on this rental .

 Fees are $ 95.00 for one week.  Two Weeks is $175.00 ,three weeks is $250.00 and 4 weeks is $300.00 .

Air Dancer Rental from

BirthdaySigns air Dancer Rental